Sound Journey
with Corinne

Join Corinne for a special full moon Sound journey, immersing yourself in the healing benefits of Sound and Meditation!
Did you know that sound reaches our physical body before it reaches our thoughts?
Did you know that sound alone is being used to heal everything from muscle tension to P.T.S.D.?
Did you know that sound can lead one into a deep meditative state, and higher levels of consciousness?
Learn a little bit about how sound affects our well- being, and experience a full immersive sound journey that includes relaxation, breath work, vocalization and sound. Drop into a deep meditative state and experience the benefits of this practice through a greater sense of peace, joy and overall elevated vibration!
Follow the Sound!
$25 a person (15 person max)
Saturday June 3, 2023
4:00-6:00 pm
Bring your yoga mat and other cozy “bedding” items to make laying on the ground
comfortable for a 2hr period. Pillow, blanket, etc.
Closed cap water bottle/thermos
Eye Mask
If you need more specific information in regards to this journey, feel free to call or text the studio @ 727-417-7349 and speak with our staff. To sign up for this class, go to the "Yoga" tab on this website, click on "Pricing and Schedule", scroll down and find Saturday June 3rd, and click on "Sign Up" for the Sound Journey with Corinne.